Sick of toast by now? Small Child was! Nonetheless I continued to follow the doctors orders of nothing but toast and lemonade, and did my best to keep it interesting.
I was running a little low on creative energy this point, so just got out my trusty jigsaw puzzle cutter for this meal. It was quick and simple to do, and I mixed up the pieces so that Small Child could have the fun of putting the puzzles together before eating them.
To make up for the fairly boring previous meal, I decided to bring in reinforcements in the shape of some Playmobil toys for Small Child's next meal. It was actually very simple to make, but the addition of the Playmobil people and a couple of animals made this toast look a lot more fun! I trimmed the toast so that the edges were all straight, then cut it in half and added a few cocktail sticks (with the sharp ends snipped off with scissors) to make it into a tent. I cut the scraps into small strips and used them to make a fireplace for my happy Playmobil campers.
It was finally time to venture beyond just toast, so we tried a little homemade vegetable soup for Small Child's next meal. I put the soup in a bowl and arranged toast triangles around the edge to make it look like a sunshine. I can't explain the relief when this meal stayed put - after two weeks solid of this nasty stomach bug we appear to have finally got to the end of it!
You may be pleased to hear that Small Child has since managed some simple meals and is now well on the way to his usual full health. I'll certainly be happy not to make toast again for a while!
Cristi says
I was pleased to see the soup and glad to read he's on his way back to good health! Lovely toast lunches you made for your little patient!
Grace says
Thanks very much Cristi, and for all the inspiration!
Sylke says
So happy to hear that Samuel is better! But I still think you should try making toast spaghetti!!! 🙂
Grace says
Thanks Sylke, one day I'll try the toast spaghetti!
Rebecca says
That Playmobil scene is incredible!! I absolutely love it!
Grace says
Thanks Rebecca, it was incredibly simple but effective!