Good morning, and welcome to another Fun Food Friday! Thank you if you linked up last week, there were lots of amazing posts linked up as usual! I do my best to comment on and tweet every post that’s linked up, and I pin them all to my special Fun Food Friday Pinterest board too. If you’ve been making any fun food recently, whether it be lovely lunches, creative cakes, or a recipe you’ve blogged, please do join in the link up below and share the inspiration around!
Following on from the success of the monkey themed lunch I made earlier this week, I thought it would be fun to pick a different animal, and went with an elephant for today's lunch. I have been sorting out cupboards recently in an attempt to get my house under control (very much a work in progress!), and came across a stash of forgotten bento goodies in the process. It was like Christmas all over again! Included in the stash were some wonderful plunger cookie cutters that my Mum bought me for Christmas last year, and some bento picks and flags that I didn't know I had, what a bonus! The little elephant cutter was perfect for this lunch, and worked equally well on sandwiches and melon.
In this lunch Small Child had ham sandwiches on seeded bread, cut and shaped with an elephant plunger cutter, raw yellow pepper strips and sugar snap peas, decorated with an elephant pick and an elephant themed mini flag, cantaloupe melon, cut into elephant shapes using the plunger cutter again, sesame seed bread sticks, a mini Babybel cheese, peeled, cut in half and topped with elephant picks, and some organic natural yoghurt. I filled the dip compartment with onion and garlic dip for Small Child to dip his veggies in, and added an elephant design mini spoon and fork to his lunch bag.
Small Child seems to have been enjoying his lunches more than ever recently - there was certainly nothing left of this one when I picked him up from school. I think it's because the Yumbox holds the perfect portion size for him - there's no temptation to add a bit more food 'just in case' so nothing gets wasted.
Now it’s your turn, what fun food have you been making recently? Please link up your foodie posts below and share the inspiration around. You can also link up Instagram, Facebook or Twitter pictures if you don’t have a blog of your own.
A few quick reminders before you link up; please visit some of the other blogs that have linked up and leave them a comment – we all love comments! If you are linking up from your blog, please grab the button below too, and put it either in your blog post or somewhere on your blog. Both old and new posts are very welcome, and do feel free to link up several posts if you’d like.

Thank you in advance for linking up, I hope you find some fun inspiration!
Maddie says
Love the melons 🙂
Grace says
They came out well didn't they!
SamFernley @happyhomebird says
Hi Grace, you know this might be the thing to help my autistic son eat more food. I am so buying that elephant plunger. Love your blog x
Grace says
Hi Sam, I know several people who have found bento lunches to be a great help with their autistic children. I hope that it may help you too! Thank you for your lovely comment!
Christine aka happyvballgirl says
Oh my goodness, what an amazing lunch, Grace! Those elephants are just awesome! Thanks for the linky party and the tweeting, pinning and commenting! You rock! <3
Grace says
Thank you, and you're very welcome, it's so nice to be able to share all your lovely creations, so thank you for linking up!
Vohn's Vittles says
I especially love the melon elephants. It had never crossed my mind to use a cutter on melon – they look fab! Very clever 🙂
Grace says
Thank you, I was pleasantly surprised at how well they came out!
Mum says
glad I bought those cutters!
Grace says
They are my favourite! 🙂 xx
Anne says
This look likes a fun linky, My food is always fun to make, not so impressive to look at, I'm sure I'll be able to link up in the future though 🙂 And I have to get one of those elephant cutters!
Grace says
Oh, do link up, the food doesn't have to be super creative - having fun cooking is far more important than it looking impressive!
Cristi Messersmith says
Your cantaloupe elephants are perfect! Thanks for sharing to my World Elephant Day link-up 🙂