Following on from yesterdays Dinovember post, Small Child requested a dinosaur themed lunch earlier this week. I thought it was an ideal theme considering the on-going antics of our toy dinosaurs!
In this lunch Small Child had a toasted pitta bread, cut into 'dinosaur teeth', decorated with a couple of plastic dinosaur cupcake picks and served up with a small tub of organic houmous. On the side he had more 'dinosaur teeth' in the form of raw organic carrots, yellow pepper and cucumber. He also had a kiwi fruit, cut to resemble a dinosaur egg, and some organic raspberry yoghurt with frozen vanilla yoghurt dinosaurs on top.
Small Child went off to school very happily with his dinosaur lunch, and I heard him telling his friends in the school line all about his dinosaurs and what they've been up to. The whole thing has really caught his imagination, and it's lovely to see him so excited by it!
Yet Another Blogging Mummy!!! says
This looks fab. Hopping by via Weekend Blog Hop and I've given you a follow on Bloglovin
Pinkoddy says
I think this is so lovely. I am really going to have a think about how I can make my children's lunches more exciting now.