It's been a while since I shared any of my alphabet lunches, but the photos for the remaining letters have been sitting there patiently in my archives waiting to be shared. I actually completed the alphabet at the end of last school year, but I never did get around to blogging them all so today I'm taking a break from Halloween and continuing on with V & W (so very nearly there!).
V was a really hard letter to theme a lunch around! Literally the only thing I could think of to start with was Vampire, and that's not really much use (although thinking about it, I really could have got creative around that idea) I must have been having a bad day that day (or I was in need of a food shop), because the only thing I could think of was to cut a pitta bread into triangles to represent Vampire fangs - it's a stretch I know! Finally I woke up a little and shaped an egg in a heart egg mould then sliced it into V shaped slices which I served up in a Violet coloured silicone cup. I also packed cucumber slices and raw carrot, cut into V's using an alphabet cutter, red grapes, still on the Vine, and a portion of Vanilla yoghurt. I finished the lunch off with a few blueberries, and added V alphabet picks to the grapes.
W was slightly easier, but still not the most exciting of my alphabet lunches! I started with Wrap Whirls, made in a Wholemeal tortilla Wrap, and filled with houmous, ham, lettuce and grated carrot. On the side he had red grapes and blueberries, topped with a Wand (made from a star shaped slice of carrot and a polka-dot pick), a White rabbit pick, a W alphabet pick and a Whale pick. He also had White (natural) yoghurt, and a Woolly sheep cup holding a Wriggly Worm (fruit string).
I'm very close to finishing my alphabet lunch series, just three more letter lunches to go! Did I miss anything obvious for V or W?
Items used to make these lunches:
My Life As A Mummy says
I really need to start doing these with Cameron. Such awesome ideas!
Do they take long to prepare?
Thank you for linking up with the #WeekendBlogHop
Laura x x x
Grace says
Thank you! No, really not long at all, I make all my lunches in the morning whilst the boys are eating breakfast - usually they only take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes maximum, at the same time as dealing with their breakfasts and chucking down my own!
Karen says
My first thought was Veggies...
Grace says
*kicks self* how did I not think of that?! I'll have to blame end-of-the-school-year exhaustion!
Tina P. says
When I saw the heart shaped egg slices, before I read the description, I immediately thought they were "valentines".
Grace says
Oooh, wish I'd thought of that!